In 2015, the Orbost Historical Society and the Friends of the East Gippsland Rail Trail commissioned an inspection of the bridge to see if it was ‘too far gone’ or could be restored for a compatible use. The answer was positive.
In 2016 at the Centenary of Railway Exhibition in Orbost, the Historical Society did a survey to gauge public interest in a restoration and re-use project --- over 600 people signed this survey. After that, a working group explored funding options and raised public awareness.
Then, in June 2018, the SAVE THE SNOWY RAIL BRIDGE group was formed in Orbost.
We are local people who are acting to not only ensure a future for this historic landmark, but also to assist the future of the Orbost district. We are determined to give this project a “red hot go” and encourage anyone, including interested groups and corporates to join in and help.
If you want to get involved by either becoming a member or making a one off donation, please download this form, fill out and mail to SAVE THE SNOWY RAIL BRIDGE INC, P.O. BOX 548, Orbost, VIC, 3888.
Or email: